Steel offers so many benefits as a building material, it is difficult to focus on any one as most important. Taken together, steel’s impressive array of attributes add up to a material that is second to none in value and performance.
Steel’s greatest strength, or course, may well be its literal strength. It has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any building material. It is also fire-resistant, so it stops fires from spreading and eliminates the need for fire parapets.
Steel remains strong over time. No rotting, splitting, cracking, or creeping. No twisting or warping. That adds up to far less maintenance and more dependable performance over time.
Steel is everywhere you go. With consistent material quality standards in every region of the country, steel users can always count on the exceptional performance that makes steel so superior.
Steel also simplifies the construction process. It makes foundation construction much easier, while providing for straight walls and square corners, and always allowing doors to open and close properly.
Steel is also easy to work with. Its inherent strength allows for much greater architectural and design flexibility, with long spans and curves easy to incorporate into a building’s functional designs.
Light and easy to transport, steel creates much less material waste than wood and other materials – and no material performs better in earthquake tests.